Sunday, March 25, 2012


Wow it's Week 9!! We are still very busy with our learning.
Sound of the Week - gl
Library Day- Remember to bring your books back before Wednesday
Topic - Teeth
How many days have you filled in on your charts?

PE- Tuesday & Thursday Athletics. We have been learning 5 different activities
high jump, long jump, sprints, shotputt throw & discus throw

Star of the Week - Josh Collyns

Have a fantastic week everyone.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thanks to all the Grandparents who came to visit us last Thursday in TOTARA. We loved showing you all our work and sharing the morning with you.

STAR OF THE WEEK- Noah Newport
Blend of the week- bl
Library Day- make sure you bring your Library book on Wednesdays

Sunday, March 4, 2012


GOLDEN SHEARS-This year the World Championships were held in Masterton -what a huge honour!!

This week our sound is 'pr'. What words can we find that have these phonemes?

GRANDPARENTS DAY- Thursday 8th March Time: 10-11.30

Talking Topic: Talk about a newspaper item

Come and visit us anytime from 10 o'clock on. We hope you got your invitation!