This is Mrs O'Connor's last week with us. It has been great having her teach in Totara- good luck for your future teaching!!
Talking Topic: Fun Facts about Masterton
Sound of the Week:
Maths:Multiplication & Division- how are
your times tables going??
Reading: Library Day is Tuesday-bring your
Rich Concepts: We are finishing off Road Safety at the beginning of the week and then moving into finding out about the 'Emergency Services in the Wairarapa'
Values: Duty & Consideration
How do you show these values?
It is Hanna's duty to get her lunchbox out and sit at her desk and eat morning tea.
On Friday we gave the Westpac crew the money we had raised from our Mufti Day on Wheels Day- a huge $244.00
Good for You!!
Well done to those who are supporting the World Vision.
Kia Ora Koutou!
What a busy time we are having in Totara. Mrs O'Connor is teaching our class for 1 more week.
Talking Topic: Road Safety
Sound of the week- words with the
'or' sound
Maths- Multiplication & Division
Topic: Road Safety
Thankyou to all the parents who came to the Learning Conferences this week. I think it is a great time to find out about your child's learning and how you can help them at home.What a great way to celebrate their learning!
Ka mau te wehi!- Awesome!
Folk Dancing is in full swing! What a fun way to exercise!
Talking Topic:Values- Consideration & Duty
Maths- Multiplication & Division- Learn 5x tables
Spelling: oy sound
Reading: Guided lessons & Home Practise
Rich Concepts:We are having a visit from Constable Sue this week to discuss Road Safety with us. Last week we went down to the front of the school to count the different types of traffic that passed.We found out that 'cars' were the most popular followed by 'trucks'. Friday is Wheels Day.
Thankyou for returning the green books. There are still some outstanding.
On Friday we spent time with our buddy class Harakeke.
Learning Conferences: Tuesday & Wednesday Week 3
Welcome back to school everyone!!
A big welcome to Mrs O'Connor who will be working in Totara for the next 4 weeks.
Talking Topic: Holiday Fun
Maths: Multiplication & Division
Spelling: ow sound
Reading: Guided Reading groups
Please sign yellow book daily
Our topic for the next 3 weeks is Road Safety. The Big Question is : How can we be safe around traffic?