Week 5
Talking Days: Free Choice
Sound of the Week: Short e
Maths: Proportions & Ratios
Reading: There will be no guided reading group lessons this week. Your child will bring a range of independent books home for practise.
Rich Concepts: On Friday we experienced sushi making. A big thankyou to Yuka and Serena for coming into class and helping us. We spent part of the morning doing Japanese related activities.
- sushi making
- blossom art
- origami
- doll art
Thankyou to the parents and grandparents who have hepled with the class costumes.
Please send the black shorts/leggings and t-shirt to school in Week 6 in a named plastic bag.
We are right into finding out about Japan!We have discovered that the Japanese people have many traditions and celebrations.
A note will come home asking for help with the class costumes for the Production so check it out and let me know how you can help.We will also need help before the performances with dressing and face paint.
Talking Topic: Facts about Japan
Sound of the Week: are
Maths: Fractions- It is Maths Week. Check out some games online
Writing: Narrative