Sunday, February 23, 2014


Hi Everyone

Tomorrow is our class visit to the Red Wee Barn and New World Supermarket.
Thankyou to the parents who have offered their help and I will see you Monday ready to leave at 9.15am.

Talking Topic: My Lunch Box
Sound of the Week: gr
Maths: Addition Subtraction - your child needs to brush up on basic facts. They must be able to recall the answer within 3 seconds
Writing: A Moment in Time
PE: Swimming

Rich Concepts: Monday was the day we did our capturing activity. All Tara Tahi classes went to the hall where we worked in small mixed groups to decide what foods were in each large lunch box.
What a fun way to introduce our topic of "Why do we need healthy food?"

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 4

Talking Topic: What is Healthy Food?
Sound of Week: fr
Maths: Addition & Subtraction  Mon-Thurs
                          Statistics    Friday
Writing: A Moment in Time
Rich Concepts: Why do we need Healthy Food?
Swimming:Lessons are still happening- please 
                   send togs to school daily
                                     Remember to pay $ 3 for use of Town Pool for school sports

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hi Everyone!
Talking Topic: What my family enjoys doing together
Sound of the Week: dr
Maths: Addition & Subtraction-some children will bring maths homework home during the week
Writing: A Moment in Time
Rich Concepts: Healthy Kai 

Parent Evening: This Thursday at 6pm in the Hall- come along and find out about Solway School
Swimming Sports- Wednesday 12 
                            February   11-1
Picnic Lunch in the park

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 2

Talking Topic: Values-Kindness &  
Sound of the Week: cr ( spelling list)
Maths:Addition & Subtraction 
           Monday - Thursday
           Statistics - Friday
Writing:Recording personal  
             experiences & thoughts
Reading: Guided reading groups start this week - read with your child daily
PE: Swimming- send togs & goggles to school daily

Remember that Thursday is 
Waitangi Day- Public Holiday

Welcome to Chloe our new Teacher-Aide.
Have you noticed the beautiful bright sunflowers?The students in Totara planted the seeds last year. It is part of a programme called 'Project Sunshine'. We were donated the seeds which were grown by Epuni School. I wonder how many seeds we will harvest this year?