Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week 8

Talking Topic: When I grow up...
Sound of the Week: Revision of term's sounds
Maths: Fractions/ Basic Facts

Thankyou to the parents and grandparents who gave up their time to transport and accompany Totara on the trip to Mount Holdsworth. We all had a fun day even though the weather was not kind to us!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Talking Topic: Technology-Bath Toys
                        Choose a toy and talk about                             these attributes 

  • physical- looks like
  • functional- how it works
  • materials- what is it made from
Sound of the Week: y used as a vowel
Maths: Measurement- Weight
Technology: Structures- Bath Toys
 Students will be designing a bath toy which they will make. They will need support with finding materials to use for the making.

Remember to send the Holdsworth Trip note back to school which gives permission to go on the trip.