Sunday, June 21, 2015

Week 10

Talking Topic: What do you know about staying safe from fire?
Sound of the Week: long o
Maths: Addition & Subtraction
           We are revisiting strategies learnt earlier in the year and moving on from there...
Rich Concepts:Wow our space assembly on Friday was fantastic! We were able to see a slice of what each class had been learning.
I was so proud of Totara students singing a rap, sharing Space Fact Loopy and showing their fabulous art.
 Ka Pai Totara!!

Kim Reed will be teaching Totara for the last week of Term 2 and three weeks into Term 3 while I am overseas.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Talking Topic: Fire Safety- How can you be safe around fire?
Sound of the Week: long i
Maths: Last week of Fractions
Celebrating Assembly: Friday 2.15pm in the Hall. All classes in the Taratahi Syndicate will be showcasing some of the things they learnt about Space so come along.

Check out these netball pics!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Talking Topic:Lucky Dip
Sound of the Week:long e
Maths: Fractions & Measurement

We enjoyed taking part in Syndicate Singing last week. Have a look at our new song and start practising!!
Good luck to those who are representing Solway in the Interschool Cross Country on Wednesday.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week 7

Talking Topic: Chant a poem
Sound of the Week: long a sound
Maths: Fractions
Cross Country last Thursday was a great success. Congratulations to all who ran- you were amazing!! Thanks to all supporters as well- your kids love having you there to support them.