Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 5

Talking Topic: Free Choice
Sound of Week: squ blends
Maths: Fractions 

Congratulations to the Year 4's who qualified for the Masterton Athletics on Wednesday.

Our Food Festival was a huge success on Thursday evening. Totara kids made fruit kebabs on Thursday afternoon for our Fijian dessert.

In Week 6 we are hosting the Mighty Maui Puppet Show. The cost of this is $2.00 a child. Please send this to school this week.

Swimming- Year 4's are invited to swim at lunch times if they wish!!

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Talking Topic: Food Festival
                     Talk about what our class is        
                      making- fruit kebabs
Sound of the Week: medial & final sounds 
                           that have double letters
Maths: Volume
Food Festival: This Thursday afternoon 2.00pm we are making fruit kebabs for the Food Festival. If you would like to come and help in class that would be great!

Athletics: Totara have been practising Athletics with the TaraRua Syndicate. We are hoping to hold a session and invite parents on Thursday( weather dependent)

Congratulations to the AB's for their win of the Rugby World Cup!- we hope you read the slogans on Solway's fenceline.