Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 4

Talking Topic: What do you know about bridges
Sound of the Week: oo
Maths: Fractions & Measurement

Thanks to the parents who offered their help for transporting us to the Park for Tuesday's trip. Yes I need you all. Not sure about the weather at this stage!!

Congratulations to all the students who led their Learning Conversations so ably- I am so proud of you!

Check out your child's Seesaw site and view what has been happening during their day. Do this by logging into the QR code that was sent home. If you need another one just let me know and I will send a copy home.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Week 3

Talking Topic: Lucky Dip- Teacher to organise
Sound of the Week: or

This week are the Student Led conferences being held on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. School finishes at 12.45pm on Tuesday and normal times for Wednesday & Thursday. Please bring your child with you to the interview as they will be leading the talking.
The hall is open this week for you to view the art that each class has being working on for the last two weeks. CHECK IT OUT!!

A big thankyou to those parents & grandparents that came to support Totara for their Friday Assembly. I was very proud of all the kids, they were awesome!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 2

Talking Topic: Talk about  myth or legend you have read
Sound of the Week: oi/oy

Term Two Values

the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change


willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own

Discuss our 2 values for the term with your child.

On Friday it is Totara's Assembly at 9.15am. Please come along to support your child.

Totara students came back to school ready to learn. Make sure your child has their bookbag with notebook and reading log everyday.
Have you returned the Green Achievement Book??