Sunday, June 26, 2016


Talking Topic: Bring a photo to talk about
Sound of Week: ere
Maths: Totara & Matai will be cross grouping for Addition & Subtraction starting this week. Students have been placed in groups according to the Stage they are working at.I look forward to seeing how the new groupings of students over the two classes works.
House Folk Dance Competition: Friday 2pm (weather dependent) Students may bring clothes that represent their houses colour.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Talking Topic: Matariki
Sound of the Week: ir
Maths:Fractions & Measurement

Good luck to our cross country runners for Wednesday- Regan, Destiny, Harrison & Sophie

Last week the talking topic was Free Choice- congratulations to everyone for choosing interesting topics and being so organised with props!!

Folk Dancing starts this week. Look out for the House Competition in Week 9

Checkout 'Seesaw' for samples of your childs learning- please add comments that support their efforts for next time.