Sunday, December 9, 2012


Yah we made it!!!
Our last week of the school year.
Talking Days: Reflect on the
There will be no home spelling and reading this week.
Library Books- return all books
Bring a plastic bag to take art /books home

Last week we visited Mount Holdsworth for the end of year trip. Enjoy these photos of our trip.

 Friday was Wheels Day- everybody had such fun!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


What is happening in Week 8?

Tuesday 4th December- we are going to Mount Holdsworth! All the parents who volunteered their help are needed for the trip. We will move to the quad for a briefing at 9.15am and then disperse with our children and drive to Mt Holdsworth.

What to bring:
Students may wear mufti
Appropriate footwear for walking
Morning tea and lunch
Suntan lotion

This week will be the last week for spelling and reading homework.

Library Books-please return all books this week

Congratulations to the students who performed in the Bible In Schools skit on Wednesday- what a fabulous effort!!
I loved it.:)

Another congratulations to all Totara for their magnificent assembly on Friday. I was so proud of you. Thankyou to the Parents and Grandparents who supported us.