Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 9

Where has a whole term gone ?

Remember to check the news notes that have come home  over the last few weeks.
Wednesday- Trip to Taratahi Farm
                   (we still need cars for transport)
Thursday-    10-12am Flower Day
                              1.00 Pets arrive/ Pet Day
Check your child's bag for their Achievement Book on Tuesday. Remember to return it to school the first week in Term 4.
'Have A Go' Day- we all had a fun day trying new activities and enjoying the sunshine. Check out the photos.

Have a safe fun holiday!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I hope everyone had a good rest this weekend after such a busy Week 7!!
The Production of 'The Button Box' was fanatastic. A big thankyou to all the parents and Grandparents in our class who helped Totara get on stage.
Rachel,Jose, Della Frew and her mother 
Mrs Mason, Carolyn, Emma, Yuka, Serena, Amy.

The children performed so well in all the performances and they looked a million bucks!

Talking Topic: Reflection of the Production
 Sound of the Week-plurals
Maths- Time

This Wednesday 18th September Totara is going to the 'Have A Go' Day at Memorial Park from 11.30- 2.30.
Your child needs to wear the Solway Sports uniform if they have one or if not their school shorts & top with trainers.This day will be weather dependent.
Thankyou to the parents who can transport us for the day, we need you all.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Talking Topic: Lucky Dip- choose a topic from the box and talk for 1 minute about it
Spelling: no list words this week because of the 
MATHS: Time - 1/4 past and 1/4 to
Production: The Button Box
                  We will do a practice run through on Monday at 9.15- girls remember to wear your hair in a bun. You may put chopsticks in the bun.

Tuesday- We will go the Lighthouse Church for a walk through during the day
Wednesday- We will do a full dress rehearsal in the morning and a matinee in the afternoon.
Thursday:5 pm performance & 7pm  

We really enjoyed the perfomance by Elgegco on Friday. We learnt what to do if we are being bullied.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 6

Talking Days: Favourite Book

Sound of the Week: short i

Maths: Measurement- Time

Production: The Button Box 

                      Remember to send a named bag with the production clothes to school this week.

We are practising hard and are nearly ready for our big performance!!!

Daffodil Day : Thankyou for supporting this special day with coming dressed in yellow and giving a donation to the Cancer Society.