Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 9

The Lucky Last!!
Talking Topic: Reflection of the term

Remember to bring your togs this week as we will swim during the day and at lunch times for Year 4's.

Friday Talent Quest- what clever performers there are in TOTARA!! We were so lucky having Cruise Karaitiana as a quest judge.
 Wednesday will be my last day teaching TOTARA as my son Cameron is graduating with a Masters Degree in Architecture and I will be in Wellington.
Thankyou for the support I have had this year and have a Happy Christmas and New Year.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Talking Topic: What do you celebrate?
Sound of the Week: three letter sounds
Maths:   Revision

Tomorrow is our trip to Wellington!!
Things to remember -

  • Meet at the Masterton Railway Station at 10am
  • Bring plenty of food & drink for morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea
  • Wear school uniform
  • We will be home on the 6.09pm train for pick up
  • Graduation for Year 6-     
  •        Wednesday -  4th December

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 7

Talking Topic: What do you want to find out  
                                about Wellington?
                                What do you know about 
Sound for the Week: three letter 
Maths: Revision of fractions

It's our shared lunch tomorrow for Marshall. We will start at 12.30 to give a bit more time for eating and sharing.

Wellington Trip- Next Monday 2nd December- If you haven't paid yet the money needs to be in to school by Friday 29th November.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Talking Topic: My favourite book
Sound of the Week- Ph diagraph
Maths: Add/ Sub Assessment
Writing: Bird Research
Rich Concepts: Birds beaks
Wellington Trip: Please send $15 to school for payment of our trip to Wellington

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Talking Topic: Bird Facts- choose 1 bird and give details about where it lives, what it looks like, maybe a photo or picture
Maths: Last week of Addition & Subtraction- Keep
                practising your basic facts
READING: Keep up the Home Reading
Rich Concepts:Birds - Thankyou Jacqui Ewington for the lovely bird photos!

Wellington Trip- We have filled all the parent spaces for our trip. Remember to send $15.00 by 28th November.
Last week we weeded our garden then planted the seedlings donated by Scarlett's Mum Nicole.

 Watch this space- the sunflower seedlings are ready to plant!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Talking Topic: Bird Facts
Sound of the Week: two letters that make the same sound
Maths: Addition & Subtraction
Rich Concepts: Birds- How are birds different from other animals?

Wellington Trip- Our class is going to Wellington on Monday 2nd December- there is one parent spot left for helpers! Please send $15.00 and the permission slip to school before 28th November.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 2

Talking Topic: Values- Compassion & Honesty
Sound of the Week: words that have two letters the same- eg cress
Maths: Addition & Subtraction- remember to keep practising basic facts
Reading: Keep up the Home Reading

Tomorrow Totara is going to visit Pukaha Mount Bruce for the day.Make sure you wear tidy school uniform as we  are representing our school.We will leave after Assembly at 9.15 am and return to school by 2.30pm. A big thankyou to the parents and caregivers who have offered help with transport! Please send $7.00 to cover the cost of the trip.

Planting: Last term the Bears Reading group sent off an envelope to Epuni School. They have sent us some sunflower seeds which we planted in containers on Friday. When these seedlings are big enough we will transfer them to our garden. Jade brought some calendula, livingstone daisy and sunflower seeds for planting as well.Thankyou the Bradnocks!!
Scarlett and Angelina photographed the action.

Have you paid $4.00 for the Jane Lloyd Art Workshop?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TERM 4 2013

Kia Ora
Welcome back to Term 4. What a busy term its going to be!!

Talking Topics: Holiday Fun
Sound of the Week:igh
Maths: Addition & Subtraction
Rich Concepts: Birds-What makes birds different from other animals?

We attended an art lesson with Jane Lloyd yesterday- we learnt how to draw flowers and add detail with colour.

Remember to send $4.00 as payment for this course. 

Thankyou for sending the green books back to school promptly I hope you noticed the progress your child has made over Term 3.

We still need transport for our trip to Pukaha Mount Bruce on Monday 21st October. We will leave at 9.15 and be back at school by 2.30pm. Payment for the day is $7.00 for children.(Parents are free)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 9

Where has a whole term gone ?

Remember to check the news notes that have come home  over the last few weeks.
Wednesday- Trip to Taratahi Farm
                   (we still need cars for transport)
Thursday-    10-12am Flower Day
                              1.00 Pets arrive/ Pet Day
Check your child's bag for their Achievement Book on Tuesday. Remember to return it to school the first week in Term 4.
'Have A Go' Day- we all had a fun day trying new activities and enjoying the sunshine. Check out the photos.

Have a safe fun holiday!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I hope everyone had a good rest this weekend after such a busy Week 7!!
The Production of 'The Button Box' was fanatastic. A big thankyou to all the parents and Grandparents in our class who helped Totara get on stage.
Rachel,Jose, Della Frew and her mother 
Mrs Mason, Carolyn, Emma, Yuka, Serena, Amy.

The children performed so well in all the performances and they looked a million bucks!

Talking Topic: Reflection of the Production
 Sound of the Week-plurals
Maths- Time

This Wednesday 18th September Totara is going to the 'Have A Go' Day at Memorial Park from 11.30- 2.30.
Your child needs to wear the Solway Sports uniform if they have one or if not their school shorts & top with trainers.This day will be weather dependent.
Thankyou to the parents who can transport us for the day, we need you all.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Talking Topic: Lucky Dip- choose a topic from the box and talk for 1 minute about it
Spelling: no list words this week because of the 
MATHS: Time - 1/4 past and 1/4 to
Production: The Button Box
                  We will do a practice run through on Monday at 9.15- girls remember to wear your hair in a bun. You may put chopsticks in the bun.

Tuesday- We will go the Lighthouse Church for a walk through during the day
Wednesday- We will do a full dress rehearsal in the morning and a matinee in the afternoon.
Thursday:5 pm performance & 7pm  

We really enjoyed the perfomance by Elgegco on Friday. We learnt what to do if we are being bullied.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 6

Talking Days: Favourite Book

Sound of the Week: short i

Maths: Measurement- Time

Production: The Button Box 

                      Remember to send a named bag with the production clothes to school this week.

We are practising hard and are nearly ready for our big performance!!!

Daffodil Day : Thankyou for supporting this special day with coming dressed in yellow and giving a donation to the Cancer Society.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 5

Week 5
Talking Days: Free Choice
Sound of the Week: Short e
Maths: Proportions & Ratios
Reading: There will be no guided reading group lessons this week. Your child will bring a range of independent books home for practise.

Rich Concepts: On Friday we experienced sushi making. A big thankyou to Yuka and Serena for coming into class and helping us. We spent part of the morning doing Japanese related activities.
  • sushi making
  • blossom art
  • origami
  • doll art
Thankyou to the parents and grandparents who have hepled with the class costumes. Please send the black shorts/leggings and t-shirt to school in Week 6 in a named plastic bag.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


We are right into finding out about Japan!We have discovered that the Japanese people have many traditions and celebrations.
A note will come home asking for help with the class costumes for the Production so check it out and let me know how you can help.We will also need help before the performances with dressing and face paint.

Talking Topic: Facts about Japan
Sound of the Week: are
Maths: Fractions- It is Maths Week. Check out some games online
Writing: Narrative

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hello from Mrs Hurrell

Bonjour mes amis
I am having a fantastic holiday with my family in Spain and France. The weather is so hot and I am melting!! We went to Bilbao in Spain and went to a famous art museum called the Guggenheim.

I hope you had a good holiday
Love Mrs Hurrell

Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 10

Mrs Harwood is the teacher in Totara this week while Mrs Hurrell is overseas.

Talking Topic: Reflection of the term
Sound of the Week: long u sound
Maths: Revision

We had a great celebration of sharing about the Rich Concepts topic of 'Who in our community can keep us safe' on Friday. We shared our facts and information with all the classes in Tara Tahi.

The fire brigade came on Wednesday to talk to us about their job. We learnt to keep low in a fire.

We are visiting the station on Tuesday at 11.30am.